Monday, July 03, 2006

Electric Generators-Give Home on the Range a New Meaning!

Power generators are one of the most valuable pieces of equipment when they're needed. During power outages or in locations where plugging into the electric grid is not an option, a portable power generator can come in real handy. Unfortunately it also can be a very bad neighbor due to the noise factor. Imagine traveling out to the wilderness only to listen to the generator roar from the neighbors camp set up. Not good. So if you're considering getting a generator, be very aware of the operational noise and select a high quality, quiet electrical generator.

If you are considering buying a generator, make sure that you take the time to consider a Honda power generator. The Honda power generator has superior insualative properties over most other brands so it runs very quietly. Many people may not think that spending extra money on a generator just because it is quiet is prudent, but a quiet generator is very important in many cases. Tailgating and camping are two of those cases.

Tailgate parties are usually thrown during sports seasons where people get together at the stadium to have a cook out prior to enjoying the game. Although 110 volt electrical power is a great convenience, it's also very noisy if you select the wrong power generator source.

A couple years ago, we went to a local football game even though we had no tickets just went to enjoy the pre-game festivities and food. We decided that if we did not find anyone selling tickets in the parking lot, then we would just watch the game on the television located in the camper on our truck. Short story is that we didn't get tickets and were able to use our quiet generator to view the game in the comfort of our own recreational vehicle.

We soon discovered the benefits of having a quiet generator like the Honda power generator because we had the benefit of a quiet generator. The television required electricity. There was no way that we were missing the game so we just powered up the generator and had all the comforts of home right in the back of our truck.

We had no noise complaints due to the quiet operating generator. The people in an adjoining motor home however weren't so lucky. They're gen-set was an older unit that was noisy and clanked away while still generating the electricity. These poor folks had others coming over and complaining all the time because of the noise. It just wasn't worth the problems or ugly behavior so they had to turn off their power source.

The moral of the story is that it's not good to pay to little for a generator but it's also not good to pay to little. Get the best value once again pays dividends for the life of the purchase. Consider a quality, quiet electrical power generator for your next outing.

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